Monday, May 6, 2013

Digital Citizenship (First Grade)

What is it?

           Digital Citizenship is basically learning to use technology appropriately in a classroom.  "Digital Citizenship is a concept which helps teachers, technology leaders and parents to understand what students/children/technology users should know to use technology appropriately. Digital Citizenship is more than just a teaching tool; it is a way to prepare students/technology users for a society full of technology. Digital citizenship is the norms of appropriate, responsible technology use.  Too often we are seeing students as well as adults misusing and abusing technology but not sure what to do. The issue is more than what the users do not know but what is considered appropriate technology usage." (Ribble)  Social networking, podcasts and twitter are just a few of the latest developments in technology today.  There are nine different themes associated with digital citizenship including digital access, commerce, literacy, communication, etiquette, law, rights and responsibility, health, wellness and security.

What does it mean for first graders?

           Below is a video that answers this question perfectly.  It was created to show the vision of students in grades K-12 dealing with digital citizenship.  The video shows how students are twenty first century learners and tries to reach out as an inspiration to schools who need more technology.  Teachers can use this video as a source to help engaged children in higher levels of thinking using technology.  Students are digital learners and they want to be engaged in a classroom and have learning be fun.

Why is it important to promote and teach digital citizenship to my students?

           Digital citizenship is so important to teach because there is so much focus on academics.  "Being a twenty first century learner means you have can collaborate and communicate."  (Kanaval)  "It is important for our district to address digital citizenship because it reflects the world that our kids live in."  (Jenkins)  This helps us to better understand them and where they are coming from.  

What issues can and have arose surrounding digital citizenship issues relevant to first grade?

           There is always going to be some issues when using technology in a classroom.  First graders may cause a few more issues than other grades simply because of their age.  The students are young and need to understand that technology is a learning tool.  Children this age need to know how to use it properly so that they are not causing harm to the technology which is very expensive.  This would fall under social and ethical issues.  Knowing rules of a computer lab would also go along with that.  Knowing all about how to use technology such as using the keyboard and mouse can eliminate misuse in a classroom.  It is so important that they know Internet safety so that they don't get into any trouble when using the internet for things.  "Internet safety for kids is a topic getting much attention because children are being exposed to the Internet at a younger and younger age."  (Lauber)  Using technology can engage students but it can also be frustrating for some of them, especially first graders who are still pretty new to using it.  They may loose interest after a while which is another issue we are seeing.  The video below explains in detail some issues students face with safety.


What resources can teachers use inside their classrooms to promote and teach it?  What makes these sources valuable and viable for the teacher?

          There are several items teachers can use that promote and teach digital citizenship.  Here are just a few of them.  The first thing you could try is using an LMS.  "Edmodo and Schoology are free learning management systems which provide teachers with platforms for discussions, resource sharing, grading, messaging and networking. More to point, however, they offer a school-oriented, safe, and age-appropriate space where students can learn how to connect through social media."  (Teachers Alliance)  Second you could try modeling it to them using expectations for their grade level.  This means you should show them that learning can be fun incorporating technology and becoming familiar with it.  Set good examples and show them why you love it.  Third, you can connect and collaborate.  This means using technology to help them connect with other people and share different ideas.  Fourth you can use Google apps.  "Students can create, share, publish, collaborate, and connect through the use of Google Apps for Education. Both Edmodo and Schoology are Google Apps integrated now, allowing for students and teachers to pull resources from their folders in Google Docs into the LMS platform to either create or submit work for grading." (Teachers Alliance)  Last I would suggest trying to maintain a balance.  Use technology but do not overwhelm students with it.  A good balance will be perfect for them and they will learn much better.  These resources help make the teacher look better because she can back up her information and teach the students new skills in the classroom. 

Works Cited

"A Vision of K-12 Students Today - YouTube." YouTube. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 May 2013.       

"Digital Citizenship - Bing Images." Bing. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 May 2013.

"Digital Citizenship." IIS7. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 May 2013.

"Digital Citizenship." Digital Citizenship. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 May 2013.

"Internet Safety for Kids K-3 - YouTube."YouTube. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 May 2013.

"Reviews and Ratings for Family Movies, TV Shows, Websites, Video Games, Books and           Music." Reviews and Ratings for Family Movies, TV Shows, Websites, Video Games, Books and Music. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 May 2013.  

"Why Schools Should Teach Digital Citizenship | Common Sense Media."Reviews and Ratings     for Family Movies, TV Shows, Websites, Video Games, Books and Music. N.p., n.d. Web.         6 May 2013.        digital-citizenship

"5 Ways You Should Integrate Digital Citizenship Into Your Classes | TeachHUB." TeachHUB | K-12 News, Lessons & Shared ResourcesBy Teachers, For Teachers. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 May 2013.

"9 Themes of Digital Citizenship - YouTube." YouTube. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 May 2013.  


  1. Very informative post! Love the videos and the prezi! :)

  2. Wow! you can really tell you put alot of time and effort into this! SO much detail and quality. I really liked how you put so many videos in the post it made the information that much clearer. I really liked your video in your prezi about the nine themes. It would be a great video to use in an older class where the children are doing more of the nine. I loved it :)

  3. I really like how you split this into sections and went into a lot of detail. It made it really easy for my to understand everything. All of your videos were very helpful!
